April's book bundle for incarcerated readers focuses on how to stay healthy $30 purchases five books (40% off retail; each bundle will include two of the Weight-Free Workout) April 2023's pick spotlights mind and body health, essential resources for incarcerated readers: $30 for five books*Following our March campaign (collecting 270 books!) that focused on the natural world and creatures great, small, and sometimes scary, we go back to a perennial concern for those behind bars: staying healthy. Since 2020, we have featured the Men's Health Best: Weight-Free Workout four different times, amassing nearly 500 copies. And each time Books Through Bars has quickly exhausted that supply. On this occasion each bundle you purchase will go towards two copies of the workout book, hopefully keeping up with demand from incarcerated readers. A book we haven't done before, but that provides essential information for any life threatening situation, is The Little Book of Medical Emergencies. And rounding these out will be two titles from The Train Your Brain series of games and puzzles from Peter de Schepper and Frank Coussement: Mental Agility and Mind Games. *Each purchased bundle will be delivered directly to Books Through Bars so that they can fulfill requests from incarcerated readers. If you wish to purchase one of these titles for yourself, you can go to https://bookshop.org/shop/FreebirdBooks. On Sale On Sale Train Your Brain/Weight Free Workout/Big Medical Emergencies
Freebird's April 2023 focuses on four titles-- $30 helps purchase for incarcerated readers 2 copies of Men's Health Best: Weight Free Workout, 1 copy of Little Book of Big Medical Emergencies, 1 copy of Train Your Brain: Mind Games, and 1 copy of Train Your Brain: Mental Agility. Please note that when Square processes your order they describe it as a "digital delivery". That does not refer to way the books will be delivered to incarcerated readers. Your purchase will go towards NYC Books Through Bars fulfilling requests with physical copies of the aforementioned titles. Comments are closed.
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