In order to replenish Books Through Bars with a sufficient quantity of dictionaries (they typically send out over 1,000 annually), we are featuring the latest edition of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary $50 purchases 10 dictionaries (45% off retail) Following October's campaign (collecting 480 books!) that spotlighted the arbitrary nature of censorship in our prisons and schools, we do something out of the ordinary in our monthly book drive. Rather than mix and match with titles and categories, we want to bring awareness to a singular work: the humble English dictionary. The most requested item from incarcerated readers, Books Through Bars can never quite keep enough on the shelves. Especially editions that are current, comprehensive, and reflect language and usage today. The intrinsic value of a dictionary can't be stressed enough. For those incarcerated, it is a window into the outside world and a way to navigate a criminal justice system that purposefully obfuscates through legalese. Language is power. Though we have included other paperback dictionaries in the past, they were woefully dated. Usage changes, new terminology is coined. With the 2022 Merriam-Webster Dictionary (75,000 definitions, 8,000 usage examples, 100 new words), Books Through Bars NYC finally can send copies that are consistent in quality. On Sale On Sale Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Freebird's November 2022 focuses on the Merriam-Webster Dictionary-- $50 helps purchase 10 copies for incarcerated readers Please note that when Square processes your order they describe it as a "digital delivery". That does not refer to way the books will be delivered to incarcerated readers. Your purchase will go towards NYC Books Through Bars fulfilling requests with physical copies of the aforementioned titles. Unfortunately because of the blustery weather overnight, the tents on Cadman Plaza/Borough Hall were damaged. Apologies to anyone who came out today! Though the indoor portion of the festival is still going on. Come visit us at the store, but we will have to see you next year at the festival.
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February 2025